Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Cupcake Turns One!

Finally I am blogging about this...

One year ago on October 26, 2008 I was introduced to the most beautiful little girl I know. Gracelyn Diane Johnson joined our family, the final precious piece to our puzzle.

We have had such a great time this year raising our little girl. Jeffrey went from telling us to 'put baby back' to morning hugs and kisses and saying 'good morning Grace'. He has been a major contributor to her rough and tumbling personality. She has had to learn quickly that her big brother has a little jealousy and she has to be on guard at all times for his sweeping clothesline arm that can knock her clean over.
Grace is a sweet sweet little cuddly bug though and melts any heart with her adorable smile. 
She has proven to us that all babies really are different, the one common theme she and Jeffrey share is their ability to keep us laughing even through the many trials of parenthood. We are looking forward to watching her grow this next year and witness all of the firsts we saw during Jeffrey's second year and how she will be her own little person.


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