I have to say that I LOVE THE HOLIDAY SEASON!!! Why else would I have squeezed almost our entire family's 'dates' into 3 months?
My Birthday is October 18, Grace's the 26th, Our Anniversary is November 26th (yes, on Thanksgiving this year) and Jeffrey's birthday is ON Christmas Day! That leaves poor Greg's birthday all the way back in June.
This year's Holiday Season proved to be our busiest one yet.

We started off the Holiday Break from Preschool with Jeffrey and his classmates putting on the most adorable Christmas Program I have ever attended (also the first with my kiddo as a participant of course). They sang all sorts of Carols and I was so happy that they also sang Happy Birthday to Jesus but included all the children with birthdays close to his as well. Jeffrey got a little solo time on stage with Ava during this part. I can admit that Yes there were a few happy tears seeing my little boy a part of something so cute.

We absolutely love his preschool Joyful Learning Christian Preschool and his teachers there are wonderful, Miss Veronica, Miss Bonnie and Miss Shelley. The program came to a close with the 'surprise' visit of who else, but SANTA!! Jeffrey's face just lit up at the sight of him and he was happy to sit on his lap, although Grace would have none of it. This was a great kick off to over a week of Christmas Joy!
Love it! Jeffrey is such a cutie!